Uncomfortable Science Live on Oh! Jazz

Uncomfortable Science

The JazzLab - Melbourne, Australia

August 17th, 2023

Simon Mavin - Piano

Paul Bender - Bass

Tully Ryan - Drums

+ some special guests

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  • The concept is simple – Bandleader Lachlan Mitchell (Laneous, Vulture St Tape Gang, Harry James Angus, Jazz Party) directs an ever changing lineup of musicians through an improvised jam with just a whiteboard and a pen, shifting and contorting the foundation of each song in real time with the unpredictable brilliance of a mad scientist.

    Featuring a rotating cast of familiar names from stalwart projects such as Hiatus Kaiyote, Barney McAll and Sex On Toast, Uncomfortable Science have developed a cult status in the Melbourne music scene, easily understood through witnessing the band in full flight.

  • El concepto es simple - Lachlan Mitchell (Laneous, Vulture St Tape Gang, Harry James Angus, Jazz Party) dirige sesiones de improvisación con un cambiante grupo de músicos, con una pizarra y tiza, cambiando y contorsionando los fundamentos de cada canción en directo, con inpredecible genialidad de un científico loco.

  • そのコンセプトはシンプルだ。バンドリーダーのラクラン・ミッチェル( Lachlan Mitchell -Laneous1, Vulture St Tape Gang, Harry James Angus, Jazz Party)が、ホワイトボードとペン1本で、刻々と変化するミュージシャンのラインナップを即興ジャムで演出し、マッドサイエンティストのような予測不可能な才能で、それぞれの曲の土台をリアルタイムで変化させていく。

    Hiatus Kaiyote、Barney McAll、Sex On Toastなどの名だたるプロジェクトでおなじみのメンバーが入れ替わり立ち代り、Uncomfortable Scienceはメルボルンの音楽シーンでカルト的な地位を築いてきた。その魅力は、バンドが全力で演奏する姿を見れば一目瞭然だ。

    サイモン・メイヴィン(Simon Mavin ピアノ/キーボード)

    ポール・ベンダー(Paul Bender ベース)

    タリー・ライアン(Tully Ryan ドラム)


  • O conceito é simples: o líder da banda Lachlan Mitchell (Laneous, Vulture St Tape Gang, Harry James Angus, Jazz Party) dirige uma formação de músicos em constante mudança por meio de uma jam improvisada com apenas um quadro branco e uma caneta, mudando e contorcendo a base de cada música em tempo real com o brilhantismo imprevisível de um cientista louco.